InteSpring and Laevo
InteSpring and Laevo. Two companies that are inextricably linked, but at the same time two independent companies. “What exactly is the relationship between these companies?" and "How are they related to each other?”, are two often heard questions.
History InteSpring
Between 2006 and 2009, InteSpring focused on one-direction-balancing by means of an adjustable force exerted by springs. This is also where the name InteSpring (“Integrating Springs”) comes from. By using a unique design method, it is possible to develop systems which balance objects that are subject to gravity. One of the products developed by InteSpring is the Balancebox, which is currently produced and sold by the company Thomas Regout. Since 2009 the range of balancing technologies has grown significantly. InteSpring develops and builds systems that exert pre-defined force characteristics in different directions. By combining existing technologies (gas springs, torsion springs, etc) with ‘smart’ materials (composites, rubber, etc.) it is possible to process these force characteristics into compact, lightweight systems. This makes it possible to realize many new innovative applications, like supporting people through an exoskeleton.
History Laevo
Laevo evolves from the X-Arm project, started by InteSpring in December 2009 as a grant project. It was a collaboration between TU Delft, InteSpring, SenterNovem (nowadays Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | RVO.nl) and Stichting Agis: “The development of an exoskeleton for supporting the upper body during lifting in health care.” At the end of 2013, the project was completed with very good results and the exoskeleton for working in a bent-over position was a fact. The potency and potential impact of this exoskeleton is very large, but could not be realized without good partners. With the participation of Achmea Zorgparticipaties, the company “Laevo” was founded on the 4th of September 2013.
Current situation
Nowadays, InteSpring develops and builds different type of exoskeletons. For example a foot orthosis for rehabilitation purposes and the Exobuddy, which makes soldiers experience over 50% less load of a heavy backpack. Laevo sells exoskeleton-solutions to companies who recognize problems in the field of physical burden of employees. Also, Laevo offers companies the opportunity to co-develop solutions to relieve physical burden of employees by using innovative exoskeleton applications. Although the markets where Laevo and InteSpring focus on are still separated, there is a very clear overlap in technology. Therefore, the combined strength of the R&D team of both companies ensure that InteSpring and Laevo make major innovative steps in the world of exoskeletons.
In the next four years, InteSpring will continue to focus on developing innovative exoskeletons and subsystems. If possible, this knowledge will also be used by its partner and sister company Laevo. Laevo evolves to the first point of contact for commercial exoskeletons in Europe and is growing rapidly in terms of brand publicity. This makes Laevo the ideal distribution partner for the exoskeletons of InteSpring in the future. If you have any questions about exoskeletons that are available for commerce, you can contact Laevo. You can approach InteSpring about questions regarding research and development of exoskeletons.